🚨Fraud Alert: Impersonation Scam🚨
Attention Customers, Vendors & Partners
We have been alerted to a scam involving individuals impersonating Watermark Marine Construction. They are using a fake email (info@watermarkmarines.com) and phone number (603-267-4194) to request quotes for products.
If you receive a suspicious request, DO NOT respond.
✅ Verify by contacting us directly at 603-293-4000 or info@watermarkmarine.com.
We have reported this to authorities and appreciate your vigilance.
Breakwater Construction in New Hampshire
Rock breakwaters are allowed on Lake Winnipesaukee under certain conditions. In fact, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Wetlands Bureau publishes a chart that indicates where breakwater construction is readily permitable. In other areas, property owners can submit applications proving wave action to a specific set of criteria.
Call Watermark Marine today to determine the feasibility of a breakwater for your site!
We also offer breakwater repair services, and our Towtem® Clamshell makes most projects reasonably efficient and cost effective.
Breakwaters are limited to 50-foot extensions from shore by both the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, so planning and design are critical to a structure that is both long-lasting and a practical fit for your specific location. All rock must be hauled to the site from upland so logistics are important.