🚨Fraud Alert: Impersonation Scam🚨
Attention Customers, Vendors & Partners
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Permits take time. Plan Ahead.
Design • Permit • Construct
Watermark Marine is the largest single-permit agent in New Hampshire for shoreline structure permits (docks, beaches, boathouses, et cetera). Our experts are continually involved in the regulatory arena regarding dock and shorefront issues.
Few shorefront projects can be completed without either an NH Department of Environmental Services (DES) CSPA (Comprehensive Shoreland Protection Act) or Wetlands Bureau permit. Effective July 1, 2008, almost all work within 250 feet of the water requires an NH DES shoreland permit.
Navigating the complex world of permits and approvals can be frustrating and time-consuming. Our dedicated Watermark Marine team of experts in wetlands and shoreland projects are here to guide you every step of the way. Our permit experts have the most experience of anyone in New Hampshire in seeking dock and shoreline-structure approvals—more than 20 years’ worth, in fact. That translates to a smoother process for you!
As the largest single-owner agent for dock permits in the state, we know the New Hampshire permit process inside and out. Our experts are involved daily in legislative initiatives, upcoming rule changes, and policy discussions with numerous regulatory agencies. Members of the Watermark Marine team were involved in all aspects of the creation and debate regarding the latest versions of the Water Quality Shoreland Protection Act.
As part of Watermark Marine’s complete NH DES permit application services, we are available to
work with your surveyor, engineer, builder, planner, landscaper, or others to coordinate the permitting process (we want to obtain the best permit possible with the least amount of duplicated effort),
research permit history by searching DES records, town and municipal records, registries of deeds, and other sources that may be available,*
prepare a professional application as part of any waterfront project, drawing from our expertise about the issues involved, and
explain to you what is happening at every stage of permitting—while offering welcome reminders of the need for patience throughout the process!
State and local reviews take time, and so does the due diligence and field work required to prepare the best possible permit package to submit for those reviews.
At Watermark Marine, we are proud of our full-service concept and expertise in guiding clients through each step of their projects, from the initial concept through permitting and finally construction.
Seek guidance and plan ahead for any shorefront project!
* Unfortunately, none of these sources are 100% perfect. Any assistance you can help us with will most likely save you money on your permit costs (copies of old permits, sketches, surveys, site plans, old photographs, etc.)
Online Forms
Access the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Wetlands Bureau forms page here.
Where to Start
The Marine Construction Permit Process in New Hampshire
Watermark Marine is the most trusted and experienced solutions partner for when planning ahead.
The experts at Watermark Marine are here to help you through the permitting process, here is an overview to help you better understand what is involved.
First, we review your site with the goal of developing an “Existing Conditions” plan. This entails our expert survey of the existing waterfront and attempts to discover past permit history, construction history, and potential problems or concerns.
Second, we lay out your desired plans onto the site plan. This allows us to determine where the challenges are and what potential conflicts exist, along with possible solutions. At the end of this stage, we will have a “Proposed Conditions” plan.
Third, we take the roughed-out plans and assemble a permit package that includes application forms, site photographs, site locus maps, a New Hampshire National Heritage review, a New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources review, abutter notices, and other project-specific documents.
The amount of time needed to complete these three stages can vary. With the number of “unknowns” going in – unexpected issues, old permit history, and other factors – planning ahead is essential.
Call or email Watermark Marine today to inquire about your project and where to begin.